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Frontier CASA Annual Calendar Fundraiser 

Frontier CASA is taking orders for 2023 community calendars. The cost of a calendar is only $10. With your purchase, you will enable us to continue providing a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) for children in Gilliam and Wheeler Counties. Our mission is to support and promote court-appointed volunteer advocacy so every abused or neglected child can be safe, have a permanent home and the opportunity to thrive. This is our only fundraiser this year and with your support, you can help us fulfill our commitment to serving every child who needs it in Gilliam and Wheeler County. Thank you!


When you purchase a calendar, you may publish immediate family members’ birthdays, memorial dates and/or anniversary dates.


To place an order, email your name, mailing address, number of calendars and if applicable, dates and names to print, to or call Eilene at 541-771-7449 Payment can be mailed to Frontier CASA, PO BOX 66, Fossil OR 97830 (but please email or call in your order so we have it in time).

Orders are due by Tuesday, September 19th



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