Frontier CASA
Serving Gilliam and Wheeler Counties
in Oregon
Resource List
Assistance for Families
Oregon Child Abuse Hotline: 855-503-SAFE (7233)
Community Counseling Solutions
Condon Behavioral Health Services
PO BOX 705
422 N Main St.
Condon OR 97823
Arlington Behavioral Health Services
Arlington Mall
Fossil Behavioral Health Services
PO BOX 207
401 4th St.
Fossil OR 97830
Services include:
Mental Health Services
Drug/Alcohol Treatment
Public Health
Many other services
North Central Education Service District
Gilliam, Sherman and Wheeler Counties
Business Office: 541-384-3808
PO BOX 591
135 S. Main St., Condon OR 97823
Healthy Families
Programs for new parents
Head Start
Head Start is a federal program that promotes school readiness of children ages birth to five from low-income families by enhancing their cognitive, social and emotional development.
WIC (Women, Infants & Children) & FVRX (Frontier Veggie Prescription Program)
Nutrition support and education programs.
Early Intervention/ Early Childhood Special Education
Call if you have any concerns about any baby, toddler or preschool child regarding their ability to: walk, talk, see, hear, respond to others, play, learn, or cope with new situations. Anyone can refer a child for a developmental screening and all services are free of charge.
The program provides developmental screenings and evaluations
for children ages birth-five in the Tri-County area, serving GIlliam, Wheeler, and Sherman Counties. 
Home School
Information about enrollment, Oregon law, and Q and A.
Special Education
Assistance for local schools to provide Special Education services to children.  
Haven (Help Against Violent Encounters Now)
HAVEN provides services to all victims and survivors of domestic/teen-dating/sexual violence and stalking through intervention, prevention and education programs. HAVEN provides a 24-hour crisis line, emergency response and shelter, individual/medical and court advocacy, information and referral, support groups, prevention education, bi-lingual/bi-cultural services for Spanish speakers, and training for professionals. HAVEN service primarily Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam and Wheeler Counties.
Crisis line: 1-800-249-4789
Office line: 541-296-1662
Wheeler County Public Health
712 Jay Street, PO BOX 307
Fossil, OR 97830
Babies First Program
A home visiting service provided by a Public Health Nurse for families with babies and young children up to age 5, to make sure their babies are healthy as they grow and learn.
Child & Adolescent Health
This program includes well child check ups, immunizations and primary care.
Free vaccinations for eligible children through 18 years of age. Offer vaccinations to eligible adults on a sliding fee scale.
Gilliam County Public Health
422 N. Main Street
PO Box 597
Condon, Oregon 97823
Gilliam County Victims Assistance Wheeler County Victims Assistance
PO Box 636 PO Box 446
Condon, Oregon Fossil, Oregon
Phone: 541-384-4704 Phone: 541-763-2380
Gilliam County Food Pantry
103 S. Lincoln Street 150 Hemlock Street
Condon, Oregon Arlington, Oregon
Open fourth Monday every Month Open second Monday every Month
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Wheeler County Food Pantry
702 E 3rd Street
Fossil, Oregon
Open Third Tuesday every Month
9:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m.
Oregon State Assistance Programs:
For questions about the SNAP (food assistance) program:
Phone: 503-945-5600 
Assistance Programs include:
Food and Cash Assistance
Child Care
Other services